I design and code beautiful things

I love what I do.


I don’t describe myself by the work I've done. I portray myself by the work I have to do.


I like to keep learning, continue testing myself, and do interesting things that matter.

Leveling Up

I like to develop expertise in a number of areas over the course of my life and career.

What I do

Software development is hard. Managing projects is hard. Working remotely is hard. Here are some things I'm good at, to help ease the pain.


I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.


I like to code things , and enjoy bringing ideas to life

Problem Solving

I can take vague problems and requirements and break them down into steps and solutions

Systems Thinking

I'm good at thinking abstractly and putting together systems with many moving parts.


I can explain things clearly, communicate problems quickly and write accurately and concisely.


I can self-manage, work to deadlines, organise projects and present well-structured and complete deliverables.

Get in touch

Can‘t wait to hear from you. I do my best to respond within 24-36 hours of your inquiry. If you haven‘t heard from me within that period, please reach out again via phone.