I can write efficient, scalable, testable and supportable code for new features and system components

I have an understanding of software models, methodologies for software design and development

I have experience in developing Android applications with native stack - Android Studio with Java

Knowledge of Android SDK, different versions of Android and how to deal with different screen sizes

Java & J2EE experience (servlet containers, web application servers, etc.)

Web services and technologies JSON, XML, HTTP

experience in developing Internet sites with WordPress, HTML CSS

work with popular relational database management systems MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL

Code version control systems, e.g. GIT hub

build tools, e.g. Gradle, Maven

good knowledge of PhotoShop, illustrator, inDesign


Understanding of SCRUM and AGILE work environments

Experience with SWOT analysis, and MVP product development.

Excellent communication and team skills for cooperation.

Excellent analytical and design capabilities;

Strong attention to detail.

Very good level of spoken English.

Fast learning.

Independent initiation and execution of tasks;